Monday, March 22, 2010

Etched Window tutorial

Thanks to everyone who voted for me at SYTYC. I won the Home Decor theme with this project. This weeks theme is Jewelry. Go vote HERE.
I have a lot of short windows in my home. The kind that are awkward to hang curtains from. Not that I would want curtains anyways. I love having a lot of light. The problem is that I live in the city where all the homes are really close together. I don't love looking out my windows and straight into my neighbors. I needed something that could give us privacy, but didn't block the light.
I've been looking at stained glass for a while, it's not in the budget and I was having trouble finding the right colors. That is how I came up this etched window. Using a store bought frame and etching gel I have the perfect window coving for all my trouble spots.
It works great above our coat rack, a place where curtains obviously wouldn't work.
I love how it hides the ugly view of the apartments next door.
Here is how I did it:

What I used:
-A frame with glass (I got mine from Ikea. They were the only ones who sold a square in the size I wanted).
-spray paint (not needed if you don't want to change the color of frame).
-contact paper
-scrapbook paper or fabric with a printed pattern you want to use for you design.
-exacto knife
-etching cream ( I used Armour Etch)
-plastic gloves

This is the frame I used, I painted it white.
I used this piece of scrapbook paper for my pattern.
Step 1: I removed my glass from the frame and applied contact paper over the top.
I left a small boarder around the outside.
Step 2: I lined my scrapbook paper up with the corner and started cutting away the negative space in the pattern with my exato knife.
I traced the design with the knife and then peeled it away.
The scrapbook paper was about 1/4 of the size of the glass pane. I had to move it around to finish the pattern.

Step 3: Once the pattern was cut from the entire pane, I applied the etching cream. I followed the directions on the bottle, but added 5 extra minutes to the wait time. Make sure you use gloves and don't rinse your etched glass in a ceramic sink, it will dull the finish.
After rinsing the glass, I dried it, cleaned it with windex and placed it back in it's frame.
*This was a small intricate design. It took me about five hours to cut away the pattern. I did it over a few days. Using a larger and more simple design would make it quicker and easier.



Erin said... 1

That looks so beautiful! Good job!!

jen said... 2

This is just lovely. I have a small window in my mudroom that this would look just terrific on.

Julie said... 3

Okay you have mad exacto skills. Mine never looked that good. Thanks for sharing with Made it Monday! Jules

Amy Jo said... 4

You are fabulous! What a great project!

Mary Beth @ Live. Laugh. Make Something said... 5

absolutely stunning! great tutorial!

Kaysi said... 6

What a great project!! I love how it turned out!

amy said... 7

Wow, I'm impressed that looks so great!

Oklahoma Granny said... 8

What a perfect idea! I have 2 windows that really need some kind of treatment and I've been searching for just the right thing. I do believe I've found it. Thanks for a terrific idea!

Chellie said... 9


Michelle @ Sweet Something Design said... 10

WOW! That turned out great!

Charity said... 11

YOU may be the most patient person I know, I can't believe you cut all of that out. I love the effect though. My mom did something like this when I was a kid, on my now front door but I think she sandblasted it, but I know she did the contact paper thing, I remember watching. To cool, I'll have to tell her she was ahead of her time. great job

Cha Cha

Unknown said... 12

That's such a great idea...BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the design you chose - lovely!

Jingle said... 13

Wow! That looks amazing!

TaDa! Creations said... 14

This is beautiful! You've got me racking my brain to see where I can do this in my house. Thanks for the great tutorial!

Unknown said... 15

WOW! What a show stopper!

Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said... 16

That is pretty much awesome. Oh the patience to cute all that out. I have followed you a little bit thanks to sytyc. This was a great idea.

Just Another Day in Paradise

Steph said... 17

This has been on my list of things to try for a while and after seeing this post I am moving it to the top of the list1 Thanks for sharing!

Jess said... 18

I once made a cool candle holder by using a large, triangular bottle and etching cream. Fun stuff, and I LOVE the window idea! I'm really going to have to do this!

Jonathan Kidd said... 19

Kalleen i really love your window and am really excited to try it too. Can you have mom or dad send me an email? My address is I thought that this might be the fastest way to reach anybody.

Angie Holden said... 20

That is gorgeous!! Okay this is the first time I have heard of to check it out and vote!

The Charm of Home said... 21

Wow! Really nice. That is a great looking window.
Win Rachael Ray bake ware at my blog.
Thanks! said... 22

Oh wow, this is gorgeous! I love this idea. Thanks so much for sharing, I'll be linking.

Mandy said... 23

That is AWESOME!! I love the etched/frosted look but never could commit to actually etching the window...what a great solution!

Stef said... 24

Genius. Absolutely genius. I can't believe you cut that out. Holy cow - I have a set of three of those exact frames hanging on my wall right now and I just might have to take them down to do this. Wow - I'm about to ruin my family room decor and I'm kind of excited about it. :)

Fawnda@Fireflies and Jellybeans said... 25

Kalleen, You are amazeing! I am so impressed with your exacto knife skills! BEAUTIFUL!

Unknown said... 26

Amazing. I have a done a fair amount of etching, but this is unbelievable. Thanks you so much for the fantastic tutorial. You are so talented!

Unknown said... 27

This is AWESOME! I have a bathroom shower window in desperate need of privacy - this could be the very thing!

The Little Red Shop said... 28

That is just gorgeous! It looks like it would be totally addicting! (The pretty pattern making)

Congratulations on your win!

: )

Julie M.

Heather said... 29

How beautiful! Sadly, my windows don't have sills...wonder if I could hang these from curtain rods? Something to ponder.

Maryann @ Domestically-Speaking said... 30

That is stunning! What patience you have... totally worth it though.

gail@My Repurposed Life said... 31

you have a lot of patience! It was a lot of work, but looks like it was well worth it. It's sooo pretty! And, it solved a problem. Thanks for showing us how you did it.

Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden said... 32

That is just gorgeous! You really have patience to have cut that entire pattern.

Thanks for linking up to Make it Yours Day at My Backyard Eden!

Anonymous said... 33

Congrats on the top 2!!! I am so excited to see what you come up with...But I am soooo nervous that you are royally going to kick my rear again...oh've done that every week!!! You're incredible! It's been a blast to compete with you!!!

Fawnda@Fireflies and Jellybeans said... 34

I just wanted to let you know that I featured your here:

Rachelle said... 35

WOW.. JUST....WOW!!!!!

Ann Marie @ Twice Lovely said... 36

Great job exacto-ing!! That's some commitment and determination! Turned out gorgeously...

GunnyMom said... 37

Beautiful....I also love Ikea ....

Its So Very Cheri said... 38

Thanks for posting what a great job--
That is really amazing

I signed up to follow you and hope you will do the same.


Ali @ Honey and Maple Syrup said... 39

That's very pretty! I bet your hand was sore after all that cutting!

Meredith said... 40

contact paper is like my favorite decor tool. i use it for so much! thanks for more ideas!

Jennifer Juniper said... 41

This is seriously gorgeous!

Kristin said... 42

This is gorgeous! I think I like it way better than stained glass! I'll keep this in mind for future reference...

memakingdo said... 43

I love that so pretty!!!

The No Money Mama said... 44

This is just beautiful! I think I can do it.

Tricia said... 45

I have some windows that I would really like to try this on. Thanks for the great tutorial. It is a must try and now on my to do list.


Pediddlepie said... 46

How do you keep from cutting the glass with your exacto knife? Just wondering because I'd like to try this but I have my teeth clenched thinking of scraping the glass with the blade!

Pam said... 47

I think I would love to try this with a bamboo motif. This is a clever idea and very well executed. Good Luck with the CSI Challenge. Following along now. Pam @ Sallygoodin

Jen @ said... 48

Wow - that is fabulous!!!! Love it!


Lenetta said... 49

Beautiful!! I am also amazed at your cutting skills - whoa... I linked to this on my weekly roundup - thanks for sharing!

Sewanonymous and So Much More said... 50



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